Strategic Housing Development at Barberstown, Barnhill and Passifyoucan, Clonsilla, Dublin 15.
Alanna Homes (Registered Business Name of Garlandbrook Limited) and Alcove Ireland Four Ltd., are applying to An Bord Pleanála for a 10 year planning permission for a strategic housing development within the townlands of Barberstown, Barnhill and Passifyoucan, Clonsilla, Dublin 15.
The development will consist of:
- the demolition of the existing vacant industrial / agricultural buildings;
- the construction of 1,243 residential units comprising:
- 322 dwelling houses comprising a mix of 3- and 4- bedroom detached, semi-detached and terraced units ranging in height from two to three storeys.
- 117 duplex units comprising a mix of 1-, 2- and 3- bedroom units arranged in two to three storey terraced and detached buildings;
- 804 apartments comprising a mix of 1-, 2-, 3- and 4- bedroom units arranged in twenty four apartment blocks and three terraced buildings ranging in height from two to twelve storeys:
- The construction of commercial and community facilities including one creche; one medical centre; one café; one convenience retail unit; five retail / retail service units; a community centre; and an Office Hub and all ancillary signage.
- Land set aside for a primary school to accommodate a minimum of 16 classrooms;
- Provision of four new vehicular accesses with two from the Part 8 approved Barberstown Lane South Upgrade and two from the R149; the provision for creation of a pedestrian and cycling priority route along Barberstown Lane North, the provision of a pedestrian access plaza from the site to the Hansfield train station to the north; and provision for a pedestrian connection to the future Royal Canal Greenway;
- The provision of landscaping and amenity areas to include neighbourhood playgrounds; pocket parks with play areas; and park comprising a multi-use games area (MUGA), large field, playing pitch; skateboard park; play areas; and amenity trails;
- Proposed underground diversion of a section of 10/20kV ESB overhead power line traversing through the northern part of the site and the retirement of its ancillary poles;
- All associated infrastructure and ancillary site development works to include the construction of five double electrical substations and six unit electrical substations; construction of foul pumping station and ancillary kiosks; drainage and services connections; internal roads; pedestrian footpaths, pedestrian bridges and cycle lanes, public lighting, utilities, landscaping and boundary treatments, bicycle and car parking including basement and under-croft parking, and bin storage.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement have been prepared in respect of the proposed development.